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Search Results (238)

Laté Lawson-Lartego

…Value Chain Development strategy and implementation, enabling CARE to impact over 10 million people, especially women. Laté has master’s degrees in Economics with a major in Management and Rural Social

Imagining Energy Transitions

…engineers, humanists, social scientists, and artists will work together to engage the public with effective stories and new visual approaches to sustainable energy solutions we can all share. One part…

Accelerating Agroforestry for a Healthy Planet

…level. A planetary health lens to engage stakeholders is needed to achieve human health and well-being outcomes while paying attention to sustainable political, economic, and social investments and processes. The…

Geoengineering on a Regional Scale

…the sun’s energy. Combining social science, engineering, and communication, this team will engage Arctic communities in a participatory discussion about these emerging technologies, identify public concerns, and evaluate regionally specific…

A New Data-driven Approach to Rethink Sustainable, High-density Urban Environments in the Light of Pandemic Resilience

…planning paradigms that promote urban density to enhance social life, increase efficiency, and support sustainability must be re-evaluated. A multidisciplinary team will combine emerging data on COVID-19, urban geospatial data,…

Healthy Soil + Fertile Land + Food Security

social equity. The collaborative program will improve food security and nutrition, increase soil health, and build healthy, resilient rural communities. Investigators: Rachel Bezner Kerr, Laurie Drinkwater, David Wolfe, Sera Young…

Jasmine Star Peters (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Jasmine S. Peters is a PhD student in Dr. Alison Power’s lab in the Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology. Jasmine’s work integrates applied ecological and social science methods. Her…

Charles Tebbutt (Natural Resources & the Environment)

Developing Passive Acoustic Monitoring to Evaluate Agroforestry’s Impacts on Bird Biodiversity in the Colombian Amazon Advisor: Stephen Morreale Tebbutt’s research examines the social-ecological impacts of agroforestry systems in the post-conflict…

Margaret Swift

…grazing and water resources. This project will use advanced computer modeling to investigate how elephants currently move about southern Africa’s Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area, the largest such landscape in…

Design & Testing of Wave Energy Converter Farms to Meet Grid-scale Electricity Demands

Energy derived from water waves is a potential new form of clean energy, but it requires the development of wave energy converters (WECs) in order to apply it for grid-scale…

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