2023: Quantifying the Formation of Lithium Resources for the Sustainable Energy Transition
Accelerating the adoption of new forms of clean energy requires new geological resources to meet demand for the critical element lithium (Li). The World Bank estimates that by 2050, the demand for Li will quintuple 2018 production levels. The highest concentration of Li per ton of material is found in pegmatitic granite deposits, but little is known about the thermodynamic mechanisms that lead to high-grade, economically viable Li in these ore deposits. This lack of information hampers the ability to locate and identify new high-grade ore deposits. Team Holycross will conduct controlled experiments, with heat and pressure as variables, to measure these effects on the distribution of Li in granites. This information will enhance the accurate prediction of the distribution of Li resources.
Faculty Lead: Megan Holycross, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Graduate Lead: Odalys Callejas
Undergraduates: Alfredo Con, Gabe Larouche