2024: Integrating Primary Pandemic Prevention Into Mainstream Policy, Funding, and Practice Through One Health Spillover Investigation
Over the past century, most pandemics have been triggered by pathogens spilling over from animals to humans. Global efforts to mitigate pandemic risk predominantly focus on responding to pathogens after they are already spreading among humans. However, interventions that prevent pathogens from spilling over from wildlife into humans in the first place – called primary prevention – are cheaper, more effective, and may have co-benefits for climate change and biodiversity conservation. Cornell researchers will collaborate with Lancet-PPATS Commission on the Prevention of Viral Spillover, to develop the One Health framework for spillover investigation and primary pandemic prevention. This will include collecting evidence worldwide on the root causes of pathogen spillover, developing guidance for investigating spillover events, and exploring ecological drivers of spillover.
Investigators: Raina Plowright, Amandine Gamble, Ana Bento, Charley Willison, and Krysten Schuler (Veterinary College/Public and Ecosystem Health)