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Angela Fuller (PROF)
Leader, New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Agriculture + Life Sciences / Natural Resources + the Environment
Other Academic, Research, or Institute Appointments: Leader, New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Research Interests: Biodiversity, Community-based Approaches, Computation And Modeling, Computational Sustainability, Decision Analysis, Environment, One Health, Wildlife Conservation
- Scientists Use Dogs to Track Down Dangerous Insects: 'Easier for A Dog to Smell Something Than It Is For a Human to See Something'
- Dogs Sniff out Devastating Spotted Lanternflies for Early Detection
- Remote cameras capture insights into NY�s wildlife populations
- Remote cameras capture insights into NY�s wildlife populations
- Ongoing Study Tracks 19 Additional Moose Using GPS Collars
- Atkinson Academic Venture Fund Awards $1.3M to 10 Projects
- Atkinson Center Postdoc Fellows Address Global Needs
- Parasites, Snails May Factor in Adirondack Moose Decline
- Citizen-scientists Track NY Bears with iSeeMammals App
- Atkinson's Academic Venture Fund Awards $1.8M to 15 Projects